Wednesday, October 05, 2005

For One Brief, Shining Moment?

I’ve been scanning the newspapers all night looking for an article about which to write, but to no avail. It would appear that I am the victim of “Blogger’s Block,” a particularly insidious ailment. If anyone knows of a cure, I’d appreciate hearing about it.

As of this evening the Boston Red Sox have fallen to 0-2 in the American League Division Series, a fact that I suppose should not surprise me, but does. As a life long fan, I had grown accustomed to the inevitable collapses that accompanied the end of each baseball season. When the Red Sox finally won the World Series in 2004, their first since 1918, I couldn’t have been happier. For a moment, I dared to believe that things would be different. Apparently I was wrong. Still, I can't complain. I had the opportunity to witness one title. That’s more than I can say for most fans. To borrow from the 1960 musical Camelot:
Don’t let it be forgot
That once there was a spot
For one brief, shining moment that
was known as Camelot.


At 4:25 AM, Blogger Lewis said...

This post is the second I've read in the last ten minutes, from two different bloggers, about the inability to post to one's blog. I find that interesting on two counts. First, it reveals a commitment to try to post regularly (one blogger noted the irony of writing about the inability to write -- why bother, unless to declare, indirectly, the importance of trying to write regularly). Second, it underscores the value of a personal connection or motivation to blogging (and writing in general). After all, the Web and mass media are overflowing with information on which one might comment, but we need a personal spark to transform what otherwise seems like drudgery into meaningful expression.


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