Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Like A Rolling Stone!

When I chose the title “Sisyphus’ Stone,” I had no idea how prophetic it would be. Or maybe I did. I have a sneaking suspicion that, had the gods not condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly roll a boulder up a hill, they would have sentenced him to a life in graduate school. What a week! Sometimes I think that I am destined to fall short of my intended goals. No matter how much work I do, or how much energy I expend, something is inevitably left undone, or someone displeased.

A few points in passing... Caleb posted a link to an essay that concerns the many challenges involved in grading papers. It is well-written, and quite insightful. Having taught English for twelve years, I know how difficult grading can be.

I recently received an email from a friend who recommended that I view a car commercial hosted on the web. The setting (which may be Ireland) and accompanying soundtrack are spectacular. Should you choose to visit the site, make sure that your computer's speakers are turned up so you are able to appreciate it.

With that said, I need to get some much needed sleep. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll need to resume pushing my stone.


At 5:26 AM, Blogger Lewis said...

Well, that "commercial" brought some focus to my morning :-).

My wife has told me more than once that if she had known how long I would be in graduate school (1978-1985, with one year off in 80-81), she would never have agreed to it. I think she is kidding. In any case, surviving grad school requires as much persistence as anything else. Set the self-doubt aside, don't sweat the small stuff, focus on the big ideas and projects out of which you build an academic career. And take time for your friends and family -- they will still be there when you finish.

Ok, enough of the avuncular advice. Grading is by far the hardest thing I do. I am much more comfortable with formative evaluation than summative evaluation, but I recognize that both have a place and lend some order to the messy process of learning -- and of living what we have learned. I'll try to read the essay, but right now I have to do some grading :-).


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