Thursday, December 15, 2005

A Welcomed Break (Sort Of)

Another quarter has passed, and taken with it the stress and frenzy that so often seem to accompany finals week. Despite the fact that I've been through it several times now, it never seems to get any easier. There's always too much work, and too little time to do it. If nothing else, my experience as a graduate student has led me to adopt the following mantra: "You'll get it done! It always gets done!"

The holiday break has arrived, though I still have quite a bit of work to do. I finished revising the syllabus I plan to use for a course I'm teaching during the Winter Quarter, and I finally managed to order the books I'll be using. I recently met with a professor to discuss a paper we've been working on for the upcoming AERA conference. I managed to complete all of my transcripts, reports, etc., which is always a nice feeling. My final goal is to begin working on two articles I promised myself I would write over the break. Doing so, of course, is easier said than done.

In addition to everything else, I need to resume blogging, an undertaking that I've actually come to miss. I may not have a large audience, but I do enjoy the writing. It's actually quite cathartic.


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