Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Passing Time

I spent another day on the couch trying to shake the cold that's got me down. By late afternoon I was going a bit crazy, so I decided to get outside and take a short run. It was cold, but the exercise felt good. Hopefully I can push some of the crud through my system. The fact that I haven't slept for the past five nights hasn't helped.

Lying on the couch for the past two days has left me with the time to do some thinking. I'll admit that being ill has clouded my judgment. Still, the fact that President Bush found leaking information regarding the illegal spying program he authorized to be a "shameful act" seemed a bit ironic. Apparently the fact that members of his own staff had leaked the name of a CIA agent wasn't quite as bad. What a joke! Despite his hypocrisy, a recent poll showed that his approval ratings are up once again. It's difficult to place any degree of confidence in the intelligence of the American public!

UPDATE: Apparently I'm not a lone voice crying out in the wilderness. According to The Boston Globe, Sen. John Kerry shares my views:

Though leaking any classified information is against the law, "there is a world of difference between what the president's engaged in and what was leaked out of the White House," Kerry told reporters after addressing ironworkers at a local labor hall.

"The leak in the White House was an effort to destroy somebody and his family and attack them for telling the truth," the senator said, referring to former ambassador Joe Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame. Her identity as a CIA analyst was exposed in July 2003 after Wilson challenged an administration justification for the Iraqi war.

"The leak that took place in this case is a leak that -- I'm not excusing it -- is to tell the truth about something that violates the rights of Americans and doesn't uphold our Constitution," Kerry said.


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