Friday, June 09, 2006

Returning to My Post(s)

It’s been a while since I last published a post, primarily because I’ve been buried in work for the past three weeks. One would think that after having spent two years in graduate school I’d be accustomed to the whirlwind that is the end of the academic year. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. After several late nights, one or two tankards of coffee, and a few frantic prayers, I managed to stumble across the finish line upright and in tact. As of four o’clock yesterday afternoon I submitted my last course paper, and in doing so brought to an end to what has been the most demanding quarter to date. I now look forward to a reprieve…well, sort of.

Having grown disenchanted with the headaches of renting, my wife and I finally decided to purchase a home. Now that classes are over I’ll be helping her box up our books (no small feat) and other belongings in preparation for the big move. I’m hoping to sustain the momentum I’ve built up this quarter and complete the move as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is my third move in two years, and I’m not thrilled at the prospect of having to move boxes around in the heat. Since my wife is working, much of the burden for moving falls on my shoulders. Still, this is a small price to pay for the chance to settle into my own home once again. No more suffering through cold winters in a drafty old house. No more wrestling with a landlord to have things fixed. Best of all, no more handing over my monthly living stipend to someone else.

Following the move I start work on a research project, which constitutes my summer job. Since I’ll be coding I get to work at home (my own home), which will be nice. Outside of that my goal is to spend the summer writing as much as I can. One of the paradoxes of graduate life is that you’re pressured to publish articles you don’t have time to write. I’ve accepted the fact that so long as I am observing pre-service teachers, teaching classes at the university, taking a full course load, and trying to maintain a healthy relationship with my wife, I won't be writing articles. At the same time, however, I've seen considerable development in my writing simply because I've been writing so much as of late. Since I don't want to slip backwards I’ve decided to create a schedule for the summer and approach my writing as if it's a second job (which, in a way, it is). This should keep me productive and allow me to get some of my own work done for a change. My other goal for summer is to blog on a daily basis. Though I began blogging because it was a requirement for a class I took, I've actually come to enjoy it. If nothing else, it's a welcome relief from the writing I have to do for school.


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